Package 'anndataR'

Title: AnnData interoperability in R
Description: Bring the power and flexibility of AnnData to the R ecosystem, allowing you to effortlessly manipulate and analyze your single-cell data. This package lets you work with backed h5ad and zarr files, directly access various slots (e.g. X, obs, var), or convert the data into SingleCellExperiment and Seurat objects.
Authors: Robrecht Cannoodt [aut, cre] (<>, rcannood), Luke Zappia [aut] (<>, lazappi), Martin Morgan [aut] (<>, mtmorgan), Louise Deconinck [aut] (<>, LouiseDck), Danila Bredikhin [ctb] (<>, gtca), Isaac Virshup [ctb] (<>, ivirshup), Brian Schilder [ctb] (<>, bschilder), Chananchida Sang-aram [ctb] (<>, csangara), Data Intuitive [fnd, cph], Chan Zuckerberg Initiative [fnd]
Maintainer: Robrecht Cannoodt <>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.99.0
Built: 2025-03-12 20:21:14 UTC

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Abstract AnnData class


This class is an abstract representation of an AnnData object. It is intended to be used as a base class for concrete implementations of AnnData objects, such as InMemoryAnnData or HDF5AnnData.

The following functions can be used to create an object that inherits from AbstractAnnData:

Active bindings


NULL or an observation x variable matrix (without dimnames) consistent with the number of rows of obs and var.


The layers slot. Must be NULL or a named list with with all elements having the dimensions consistent with obs and var.


A data.frame with columns containing information about observations. The number of rows of obs defines the observation dimension of the AnnData object.


A data.frame with columns containing information about variables. The number of rows of var defines the variable dimension of the AnnData object.


Either NULL or a vector of unique identifiers used to identify each row of obs and to act as an index into the observation dimension of the AnnData object. For compatibility with R representations, obs_names should be a character vector.


Either NULL or a vector of unique identifiers used to identify each row of var and to act as an index into the variable dimension of the AnnData object. For compatibility with R representations, var_names should be a character vector.


The obsm slot. Must be NULL or a named list with with all elements having the same number of rows as obs.


The varm slot. Must be NULL or a named list with with all elements having the same number of rows as var.


The obsp slot. Must be NULL or a named list with with all elements having the same number of rows and columns as obs.


The varp slot. Must be NULL or a named list with with all elements having the same number of rows and columns as var.


The uns slot. Must be NULL or a named list.


Public methods

Method print()

Print a summary of the AnnData object. print() methods should be implemented so that they are not computationally expensive.


Optional arguments to print method.

Method shape()

Dimensions (observations x variables) of the AnnData object.


Method n_obs()

Number of observations in the AnnData object.


Method n_vars()

Number of variables in the AnnData object.


Method obs_keys()

Keys ('column names') of obs.


Method var_keys()

Keys ('column names') of var.


Method layers_keys()

Keys (element names) of layers.


Method obsm_keys()

Keys (element names) of obsm.


Method varm_keys()

Keys (element names) of varm.


Method obsp_keys()

Keys (element names) of obsp.


Method varp_keys()

Keys (element names) of varp.


Method uns_keys()

Keys (element names) of uns.


Method to_SingleCellExperiment()

Convert to SingleCellExperiment

See to_SingleCellExperiment() for more details on the conversion.

  assays_mapping = NULL,
  colData_mapping = NULL,
  rowData_mapping = NULL,
  reduction_mapping = NULL,
  colPairs_mapping = NULL,
  rowPairs_mapping = NULL,
  metadata_mapping = NULL

A named list mapping SingleCellExperiment assays to AnnData layers


A named list mapping SingleCellExperiment colData to AnnData obs


A named list mapping SingleCellExperiment rowData to AnnData var


A named list mapping SingleCellExperiment reductions to AnnData obsm/varm


A named list mapping SingleCellExperiment colPairs to AnnData obsp/varp


A named list mapping SingleCellExperiment rowPairs to AnnData obsp/varp


A named list mapping SingleCellExperiment metadata to AnnData uns


A SingleCellExperiment object

Method to_Seurat()

Convert to Seurat

See to_Seurat() for more details on the conversion and each of the parameters.

  assay_name = "RNA",
  layers_mapping = NULL,
  object_metadata_mapping = NULL,
  assay_metadata_mapping = NULL,
  reduction_mapping = NULL,
  graph_mapping = NULL,
  misc_mapping = NULL

The name of the assay to use as the main data


A named list mapping Seurat layers to AnnData layers


A named list mapping Seurat object metadata to AnnData obs


A named list mapping Seurat assay metadata to AnnData var


A named list mapping Seurat reductions to AnnData obsm/varm


A named list mapping Seurat graphs to AnnData obsp/varp


A named list mapping Seurat misc to AnnData uns


A Seurat object

Method to_InMemoryAnnData()

Convert to an InMemory AnnData


Method to_HDF5AnnData()

Convert to an HDF5 Backed AnnData

  compression = c("none", "gzip", "lzf"),
  mode = c("w-", "r", "r+", "a", "w", "x")

The path to the HDF5 file


The compression algorithm to use when writing the HDF5 file. Can be one of "none", "gzip" or "lzf". Defaults to "none".


The mode to open the HDF5 file.

  • a creates a new file or opens an existing one for read/write.

  • ⁠r+⁠ opens an existing file for read/write.

  • w creates a file, truncating any existing ones

  • ⁠w-⁠/x are synonyms creating a file and failing if it already exists.


An HDF5AnnData object

Method write_h5ad()

Write the AnnData object to an H5AD file.

AbstractAnnData$write_h5ad(path, compression = "gzip", mode = "w")

The path to the H5AD file


The compression algorithm to use when writing the HDF5 file. Can be one of "none", "gzip" or "lzf". Defaults to "none".


The mode to open the HDF5 file.

  • a creates a new file or opens an existing one for read/write.

  • ⁠r+⁠ opens an existing file for read/write.

  • w creates a file, truncating any existing ones

  • ⁠w-⁠/x are synonyms creating a file and failing if it already exists.


path invisibly

adata <- AnnData(
  X = matrix(1:5, 3L, 5L),
  layers = list(
    A = matrix(5:1, 3L, 5L),
    B = matrix(letters[1:5], 3L, 5L)
  obs = data.frame(row.names = LETTERS[1:3], cell = 1:3),
  var = data.frame(row.names = letters[1:5], gene = 1:5)
h5ad_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5ad")

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

AbstractAnnData$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.


## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AbstractAnnData$write_h5ad`
## ------------------------------------------------

adata <- AnnData(
  X = matrix(1:5, 3L, 5L),
  layers = list(
    A = matrix(5:1, 3L, 5L),
    B = matrix(letters[1:5], 3L, 5L)
  obs = data.frame(row.names = LETTERS[1:3], cell = 1:3),
  var = data.frame(row.names = letters[1:5], gene = 1:5)
h5ad_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5ad")

Create an in-memory AnnData object.


For more information on the functionality of an AnnData object, see anndataR-package.


  X = NULL,
  obs = NULL,
  var = NULL,
  layers = NULL,
  obsm = NULL,
  varm = NULL,
  obsp = NULL,
  varp = NULL,
  uns = NULL,
  shape = NULL



Either NULL or a observation × variable matrix with dimensions consistent with obs and var.


Either NULL or a data.frame with columns containing information about observations. If NULL, an n_obs×0 data frame will automatically be generated.


Either NULL or a data.frame with columns containing information about variables. If NULL, an n_vars×0 data frame will automatically be generated.


Either NULL or a named list, where each element is an observation × variable matrix with dimensions consistent with obs and var.


The obsm slot is used to store multi-dimensional annotation arrays. It must be either NULL or a named list, where each element is a matrix with n_obs rows and an arbitrary number of columns.


The varm slot is used to store multi-dimensional annotation arrays. It must be either NULL or a named list, where each element is a matrix with n_vars rows and an arbitrary number of columns.


The obsp slot is used to store sparse multi-dimensional annotation arrays. It must be either NULL or a named list, where each element is a sparse matrix where each dimension has length n_obs.


The varp slot is used to store sparse multi-dimensional annotation arrays. It must be either NULL or a named list, where each element is a sparse matrix where each dimension has length n_vars.


The uns slot is used to store unstructured annotation. It must be either NULL or a named list.


Shape tuple (#observations, #variables). Can be provided if X or obs and var are not provided.


An in-memory AnnData object.

See Also



adata <- AnnData(
  X = matrix(1:12, nrow = 3, ncol = 4),
  obs = data.frame(
    row.names = paste0("obs", 1:3),
    n_counts = c(1, 2, 3),
    n_cells = c(1, 2, 3)
  var = data.frame(
    row.names = paste0("var", 1:4),
    n_cells = c(1, 2, 3, 4)


Convert a Seurat object to an AnnData object


from_Seurat() converts a Seurat object to an AnnData object. Only one assay can be converted at a time. Arguments are used to configure the conversion. If NULL, the functions ⁠.from_Seurat_guess_*⁠ will be used to guess the mapping.


  output_class = c("InMemoryAnnData", "HDF5AnnData"),
  assay_name = NULL,
  x_mapping = NULL,
  layers_mapping = NULL,
  obs_mapping = NULL,
  var_mapping = NULL,
  obsm_mapping = NULL,
  varm_mapping = NULL,
  obsp_mapping = NULL,
  varp_mapping = NULL,
  uns_mapping = NULL,



A Seurat object to be converted.


Name of the AnnData class. Must be one of "HDF5AnnData" or "InMemoryAnnData".


The name of the assay to be converted. If NULL, the default assay will be used (SeuratObject::DefaultAssay()).


A mapping of a Seurat layer to the AnnData X slot. If NULL, no data will be copied to the X slot.


A named list mapping layer names to the names of the layers in the Seurat object. Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 1. See section "⁠$layers⁠ mapping" for more details.


A named list mapping obs names to the names of the object-level (cell level) metadata in the Seurat object. Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 1. See section "⁠$obs⁠ mapping" for more details.


A named list mapping var names to the names of the feature-level metadata in the Seurat object. Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 1. See section "⁠$var⁠ mapping" for more details.


A named list mapping reductions to the names of the reductions in the Seurat object. Each item in the list must be a vector of length 2. See section "⁠$obsm⁠ mapping" for more details.


A named list mapping PCA loadings to the names of the PCA loadings in the Seurat object. Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 1. See section "⁠$varm⁠ mapping" for more details.


A named list mapping graph names to the names of the graphs in the Seurat object. Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 1. See section "⁠$obsp⁠ mapping" for more details.


A named list mapping miscellaneous data to the names of the data in the Seurat object. Each item in the list must be a named list with one or two elements. See section "⁠$varp⁠ mapping" for more details.


A named list mapping miscellaneous data to the names of the data in the Seurat object. Each item in the list must be a named list with one or two elements. See section "⁠$uns⁠ mapping" for more details.


Additional arguments passed to the generator function.


For more information on the functionality of an AnnData object, see anndataR-package.


An AnnData object

⁠$X⁠ mapping

A mapping of a Seurat layer to the AnnData X slot. Its value must be NULL or a character vector of the Seurat layer name to copy. If NULL, no data will be copied to the X slot.

⁠$layers⁠ mapping

A named list to map AnnData layers to Seurat layers. Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 1. The ⁠$X⁠ key maps to the X slot.

Example: layers_mapping = list(counts = "counts", foo = "bar").

If NULL, the internal function .from_Seurat_guess_layers will be used to guess the layer mapping as follows:

  • All Seurat layers are copied to AnnData layers by name.

  • This means that the AnnData X slot will be NULL (empty). If you want to copy data to the X slot, you must define the layer mapping explicitly.

⁠$obs⁠ mapping

A named list or vector to map Seurat object-level metadata to AnnData ⁠$obs⁠. The values of this list or vector correspond to the names of the metadata in the Seurat object, and the names correspond to the names of the metadata in the resulting ⁠$obs⁠ slot.

Example: obs_mapping = list(cellType = "cell_type").

If NULL, the internal function .from_Seurat_guess_obs will be used to guess the obs mapping as follows:

  • All Seurat object-level metadata is copied to AnnData ⁠$obs⁠ by name.

⁠$var⁠ mapping

A named list or vector to map Seurat feature-level metadata to AnnData ⁠$var⁠. The values of this list or vector correspond to the names of the metadata of the assay in the Seurat object, and the names correspond to the names of the metadata in the resulting ⁠$var⁠ slot.

Example: var_mapping = list(geneInfo = "gene_info").

If NULL, the internal function .from_Seurat_guess_vars will be used to guess the var mapping as follows:

  • All Seurat feature-level metadata is copied to AnnData ⁠$var⁠ by name.

⁠$obsm⁠ mapping

A named list to map Seurat reductions to AnnData ⁠$obsm⁠.

Each item in the list must be a vector of length 2, where the name corresponds to the name of the resulting ⁠$obsm⁠ slot, and the values correspond to the the location of the data in the Seurat object.

Example: obsm_mapping = list(pca = c("reductions", "pca"), umap = c("reductions", "umap")).

If NULL, the internal function .from_Seurat_guess_obsms will be used to guess the obsm mapping as follows:

  • All Seurat reductions are prefixed with X_ and copied to AnnData ⁠$obsm⁠.

⁠$varm⁠ mapping

A named list to map Seurat reduction loadings to AnnData ⁠$varm⁠.

Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 2, where the name corresponds to the name of the resulting ⁠$varm⁠ slot, and the value corresponds to the location of the data in the Seurat object.

Example: ⁠varm_mapping = list(PCs = c("reductions", "pca")⁠.

If NULL, the internal function .from_Seurat_guess_varms will be used to guess the varm mapping as follows:

  • The name of the PCA loadings is copied by name.

⁠$obsp⁠ mapping

A named list to map Seurat graphs to AnnData ⁠$obsp⁠.

Each name in the list corresponds to the name of the resulting ⁠$obsp⁠ slot. Each value must be a character vector of length 2, where the first element of this vector must be graphs or misc, and the second element is the name of the data in the corresponding graphs or misc slot in the Seurat object.

Example: obsp_mapping = list(connectivities = c("graphs", "RNA_nn")).

If NULL, the internal function .from_Seurat_guess_obsps will be used to guess the obsp mapping as follows:

  • All Seurat graphs are copied to ⁠$obsp⁠ by name.

⁠$varp⁠ mapping

A named list to map Seurat miscellaneous data to AnnData ⁠$varp⁠. The name of each item corresponds to the resulting ⁠$varp⁠ slot, while the value of each item must be a fector which corresponds to the location of the data in the Seurat object.

Example: varp_mapping = list(foo = c("misc", "foo")).

If NULL, the internal function .from_Seurat_guess_varps will be used to guess the varp mapping as follows:

  • No data is mapped to ⁠$varp⁠.

⁠$uns⁠ mapping

A named list to map Seurat miscellaneous data to AnnData uns. Each item in the list must be a character of length 2. The first element must be "misc". The second element is the name of the data in the corresponding slot.

Example: uns_mapping = list(foo = c("misc", "foo")).

If NULL, the internal function .from_Seurat_guess_uns will be used to guess the uns mapping as follows:

  • All Seurat miscellaneous data is copied to uns by name.



counts <- matrix(rbinom(20000, 1000, .001), nrow = 100)
obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = counts)
obj <- NormalizeData(obj)
obj <- FindVariableFeatures(obj)
obj <- ScaleData(obj)
obj <- RunPCA(obj, npcs = 10L)
obj <- FindNeighbors(obj)
obj <- RunUMAP(obj, dims = 1:10)

Convert a SingleCellExperiment object to an AnnData object


from_SingleCellExperiment() converts a SingleCellExperiment to an AnnData object.


  output_class = c("InMemory", "HDF5AnnData"),
  x_mapping = NULL,
  layers_mapping = NULL,
  obs_mapping = NULL,
  var_mapping = NULL,
  obsm_mapping = NULL,
  varm_mapping = NULL,
  obsp_mapping = NULL,
  varp_mapping = NULL,
  uns_mapping = NULL,



An object inheriting from SingleCellExperiment.


Name of the AnnData class. Must be one of "HDF5AnnData" or "InMemoryAnnData".


Name of the assay in sce to use as the X matrix in the AnnData object.


A named list mapping assay names in sce to layers in the created AnnData object. The names of the list should be the names of the layers in the resulting AnnData object, and the values should be the names of the assays in the sce object.


A named list mapping colData in sce to obs in the created AnnData object. The names of the list should be the names of the obs columns in the resulting AnnData object. The values of the list should be the names of the colData columns in sce.


A named list mapping rowData in sce to var in the created AnnData object. The names of the list should be the names of the var columns in the resulting AnnData object. The values of the list should be the names of the rowData columns in sce.


A named list mapping reducedDim in sce to obsm in the created AnnData object. The names of the list should be the names of the obsm in the resulting AnnData object. The values of the list should be a named list with as key the name of the obsm slot in the resulting AnnData object, and as value a list with the following elements

  • reducedDim

  • the name of the reducedDim in sce


A named list mapping reducedDim in sce to varm in the created AnnData object. The names of the list should be the names of the varm in the resulting AnnData object. The values of the list should be a named list with as key the name of the varm slot in the resulting AnnData object, and as value a list with the following elements

  • reducedDim

  • the name of the reducedDim in sce, that is LinearEmbeddingMatrix of which you want the featureLoadings to end up in the varm slot


A named list mapping colPairs in sce to obsp in the created AnnData object. The names of the list should be the names of the obsp in the resulting AnnData object. The values of the list should be the names of the colPairs in sce.


A named list mapping rowPairs in sce to varp in the created AnnData object. The names of the list should be the names of the varp in the resulting AnnData object. The values of the list should be the names of the rowPairs in sce.


A named list mapping metadata in sce to uns in the created AnnData object. The names of the list should be the names of the uns in the resulting AnnData object. The values of the list should be the names of the metadata in sce.


Additional arguments to pass to the generator function.


from_SingleCellExperiment() returns an AnnData object (e.g., InMemoryAnnData) representing the content of sce.


## construct an AnnData object from a SingleCellExperiment
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(
  assays = list(counts = matrix(1:5, 5L, 3L)),
  colData = DataFrame(cell = 1:3),
  rowData = DataFrame(gene = 1:5)
from_SingleCellExperiment(sce, "InMemory")

Generate a dataset


Generate a dataset with different types of columns and layers


  n_obs = 10L,
  n_vars = 20L,
  x_type = "numeric_matrix",
  layer_types = c("numeric_matrix", "numeric_dense", "numeric_csparse",
    "numeric_rsparse", "numeric_matrix_with_nas", "numeric_dense_with_nas",
    "numeric_csparse_with_nas", "numeric_rsparse_with_nas", "integer_matrix",
    "integer_dense", "integer_csparse", "integer_rsparse", "integer_matrix_with_nas",
    "integer_dense_with_nas", "integer_csparse_with_nas", "integer_rsparse_with_nas"),
  obs_types = c("character", "integer", "factor", "factor_ordered", "logical", "numeric",
    "character_with_nas", "integer_with_nas", "factor_with_nas",
    "factor_ordered_with_nas", "logical_with_nas", "numeric_with_nas"),
  var_types = c("character", "integer", "factor", "factor_ordered", "logical", "numeric",
    "character_with_nas", "integer_with_nas", "factor_with_nas",
    "factor_ordered_with_nas", "logical_with_nas", "numeric_with_nas"),
  obsm_types = c("numeric_matrix", "numeric_dense", "numeric_csparse", "numeric_rsparse",
    "numeric_matrix_with_nas", "numeric_dense_with_nas", "numeric_csparse_with_nas",
    "numeric_rsparse_with_nas", "integer_matrix", "integer_dense", "integer_csparse",
    "integer_rsparse", "integer_matrix_with_nas", "integer_dense_with_nas",
    "integer_csparse_with_nas", "integer_rsparse_with_nas", "character", "integer",
    "factor", "factor_ordered", "logical", "numeric", "character_with_nas",
    "integer_with_nas", "factor_with_nas", 
    "logical_with_nas", "numeric_with_nas"),
  varm_types = c("numeric_matrix", "numeric_dense", "numeric_csparse", "numeric_rsparse",
    "numeric_matrix_with_nas", "numeric_dense_with_nas", "numeric_csparse_with_nas",
    "numeric_rsparse_with_nas", "integer_matrix", "integer_dense", "integer_csparse",
    "integer_rsparse", "integer_matrix_with_nas", "integer_dense_with_nas",
    "integer_csparse_with_nas", "integer_rsparse_with_nas", "character", "integer",
    "factor", "factor_ordered", "logical", "numeric", "character_with_nas",
    "integer_with_nas", "factor_with_nas", 
    "logical_with_nas", "numeric_with_nas"),
  obsp_types = c("numeric_matrix", "numeric_dense", "numeric_csparse", "numeric_rsparse",
    "numeric_matrix_with_nas", "numeric_dense_with_nas", "numeric_csparse_with_nas",
    "numeric_rsparse_with_nas", "integer_matrix", "integer_dense", "integer_csparse",
    "integer_rsparse", "integer_matrix_with_nas", "integer_dense_with_nas",
    "integer_csparse_with_nas", "integer_rsparse_with_nas"),
  varp_types = c("numeric_matrix", "numeric_dense", "numeric_csparse", "numeric_rsparse",
    "numeric_matrix_with_nas", "numeric_dense_with_nas", "numeric_csparse_with_nas",
    "numeric_rsparse_with_nas", "integer_matrix", "integer_dense", "integer_csparse",
    "integer_rsparse", "integer_matrix_with_nas", "integer_dense_with_nas",
    "integer_csparse_with_nas", "integer_rsparse_with_nas"),
  uns_types = c("scalar_character", "scalar_integer", "scalar_factor",
    "scalar_factor_ordered", "scalar_logical", "scalar_numeric",
    "scalar_character_with_nas", "scalar_integer_with_nas", "scalar_factor_with_nas",
    "scalar_factor_ordered_with_nas", "scalar_logical_with_nas",
    "scalar_numeric_with_nas", "vec_character", "vec_integer", "vec_factor",
    "vec_factor_ordered", "vec_logical", "vec_numeric", "vec_character_with_nas",
    "vec_integer_with_nas", "vec_factor_with_nas", "vec_factor_ordered_with_nas",
     "vec_numeric_with_nas", "df_character", "df_integer",
    "df_factor", "df_factor_ordered", "df_logical", "df_numeric",
    "df_character_with_nas", "df_integer_with_nas", "df_factor_with_nas",
    "df_factor_ordered_with_nas", "df_logical_with_nas", "df_numeric_with_nas",
    "mat_numeric_matrix", "mat_numeric_dense", "mat_numeric_csparse",
    "mat_numeric_rsparse", "mat_numeric_matrix_with_nas", "mat_numeric_dense_with_nas",
    "mat_numeric_csparse_with_nas", "mat_numeric_rsparse_with_nas", "mat_integer_matrix",
     "mat_integer_dense", "mat_integer_csparse", "mat_integer_rsparse",
    "mat_integer_matrix_with_nas", "mat_integer_dense_with_nas",
    "mat_integer_csparse_with_nas", "mat_integer_rsparse_with_nas", "list"),
  example = FALSE,
  format = c("list", "AnnData", "SingleCellExperiment", "Seurat")



Number of observations to generate


Number of variables to generate


Type of matrix to generate for X


Types of matrices to generate for layers


Types of vectors to generate for obs


Types of vectors to generate for var


Types of matrices to generate for obsm


Types of matrices to generate for varm


Types of matrices to generate for obsp


Types of matrices to generate for varp


Types of objects to generate for uns


If TRUE, the types will be overridden to a small set of types. This is useful for documentations.


Object type to output, one of "list", "AnnData", "SingleCellExperiment", or "Seurat".


Object containing the generated dataset as defined by output


dummy <- generate_dataset()
## Not run: 
dummy <- generate_dataset(format = "AnnData")
dummy <- generate_dataset(format = "SingleCellExperiment")
dummy <- generate_dataset(format = "Seurat")

## End(Not run)

Read H5AD


Read data from a H5AD file


  to = c("InMemoryAnnData", "HDF5AnnData", "SingleCellExperiment", "Seurat"),
  mode = c("r", "r+", "a", "w", "w-", "x"),



Path to the H5AD file to read


The type of object to return. Must be one of: "InMemoryAnnData", "HDF5AnnData", "SingleCellExperiment", "Seurat"


The mode to open the HDF5 file.

  • a creates a new file or opens an existing one for read/write.

  • r opens an existing file for reading.

  • ⁠r+⁠ opens an existing file for read/write.

  • w creates a file, truncating any existing ones.

  • ⁠w-⁠/x are synonyms, creating a file and failing if it already exists.


Extra arguments provided to adata$to_SingleCellExperiment() or adata$to_Seurat(). See AnnData() for more information on the arguments of these functions. Note: update this documentation when r-lib/roxygen2#955 is resolved.


The object specified by to


h5ad_file <- system.file("extdata", "example.h5ad", package = "anndataR")

# Read the H5AD as a SingleCellExperiment object
if (requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly = TRUE)) {
  sce <- read_h5ad(h5ad_file, to = "SingleCellExperiment")

# Read the H5AD as a Seurat object
if (requireNamespace("SeuratObject", quietly = TRUE)) {
  seurat <- read_h5ad(h5ad_file, to = "Seurat")

Convert a Seurat object to an AnnData object


to_Seurat() converts an AnnData object to a Seurat object. Only one assay can be converted at a time. Arguments are used to configure the conversion. If NULL, the functions ⁠to_Seurat_guess_*⁠ will be used to guess the mapping.


  assay_name = "RNA",
  layers_mapping = NULL,
  object_metadata_mapping = NULL,
  assay_metadata_mapping = NULL,
  reduction_mapping = NULL,
  graph_mapping = NULL,
  misc_mapping = NULL



An AnnData object to be converted


Name of the assay to be created (default: "RNA").


A named list to map AnnData layers to Seurat layers. See section "Layer mapping" for more details.


A named list to map observation-level metadata to object-level metadata in the Seurat object. See section "Metadata mapping" for more details.


A named list to map variable-level metadata to assay-level metadata in the Seurat object. See section "Metadata mapping" for more details.


A named list to map AnnData reductions to Seurat reductions. Each item in the list must be a named list with keys 'key', 'obsm', and 'varm'. See section "Reduction mapping" for more details.


A named list to map AnnData graphs to Seurat graphs. Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 1. See section "Graph mapping" for more details.


A named list to map miscellaneous data to the names of the data in the Seurat object. See section "Miscellaneous mapping" for more details.


A Seurat object

Layer mapping

A named list to map AnnData layers to Seurat layers. Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 1, where the values correspond to the names of the layers in the AnnData object, and the names correspond to the names of the layers in the resulting Seurat object. A value of NULL corresponds to the AnnData X slot.

Example: layers_mapping = list(counts = "counts", data = NULL, foo = "bar").

If NULL, the internal function .to_Seurat_guess_layers will be used to guess the layer mapping as follows:

  • All AnnData layers are copied to Seurat layers by name.

Metadata mapping

A named list or vector to map observation-level and feature-level metadata to object-level and assay-level metadata in the Seurat object.

Each value in the object_metadata_mapping list or vector corresponds to the names of the obs slot in the AnnData object, and each of the names correspond to the names of the metadata in the resulting Seurat object.

Example: object_metadata_mapping = c(cellType = "cell_type").

Each value in the assay_metadata_mapping list or vector corresponds to the names of the var slot in the AnnData object, and the names correspond to the names of the metadata in the resulting Seurat object.

Example: assay_metadata_mapping = list(geneInfo = "gene_info").

By default, all metadata in the obs and var slots will be copied to the Seurat object.

Reduction mapping

A named list to map AnnData ⁠$obsm⁠ and ⁠$varm⁠ to Seurat reductions. Each item in the list must be a named list with keys 'key', 'obsm', and can contain the key 'varm'. Example: reduction_mapping = list(pca = list(key = "PC_", obsm = "X_pca", varm = "PCs")).

If NULL, the internal function .to_Seurat_guess_reductions will be used to guess the reduction mapping as follows:

  • All ⁠$obsm⁠ items starting with X_ are copied by name.

Graph mapping

A named list mapping graph names to the names of the graphs in the AnnData object. Each item in the list must be a character vector of length 1. The values correspond to the names of the graphs in the resulting Seurat object, while the names correspond to the names of the graphs in the AnnData object.

Example: graph_mapping = list(nn = "connectivities").

If NULL, the internal function .to_Seurat_guess_graphs will be used to guess the graph mapping as follows:

  • An obsp named connectivities will be mapped to nn.

  • Other graphs starting with connectivities_ are stripped of the prefix and copied by name.

Miscellaneous mapping

A named list mapping miscellaneous data to the names of the data in the AnnData object. Each item in the list must be a vector with one or two elements. The first element must be one of: 'X', 'layers', 'obs', 'obsm', 'obsp', 'var', 'varm', 'varp', 'uns'. The second element is the name of the data in the corresponding slot. If the second element is not present, the whole slot as specified by the first element will be used.

Example: misc_mapping = list(uns = "uns", varp_neighbors = c("varp", "neighbors")).

If NULL, the internal function .to_Seurat_guess_misc will be used to guess the miscellaneous mapping as follows:

  • If ⁠$uns⁠ is defined, all values in ⁠$uns⁠ are copied to the Seurat misc.


ad <- AnnData(
  X = matrix(1:5, 3L, 5L),
  obs = data.frame(row.names = LETTERS[1:3], cell = 1:3),
  var = data.frame(row.names = letters[1:5], gene = 1:5)

Convert an AnnData object to a SingleCellExperiment object


to_SingleCellExperiment() converts an AnnData object to a SingleCellExperiment object.


  assays_mapping = NULL,
  colData_mapping = NULL,
  rowData_mapping = NULL,
  reduction_mapping = NULL,
  colPairs_mapping = NULL,
  rowPairs_mapping = NULL,
  metadata_mapping = NULL



an AnnData object, e.g., InMemoryAnnData


A named list mapping layers in adata to assay names in the created SingleCellExperiment object. The names of the list should be the names of the assays in the resulting SingleCellExperiment object, and the values should be the names of the layers in adata, and should include the X matrix as well. If X is not in the list, it will be added as counts or data.


a named list mapping obs in adata to colData in the created SingleCellExperiment object. The names of the list should be the names of the colData columns in the resulting SingleCellExperiment object. The values of the list should be the names of the obs columns in adata.


a named list mapping var names in adata to rowData in the created SingleCellExperiment object. The names of the list should be the names of the rowData columns in the resulting SingleCellExperiment object. The values of the list should be the names of the var columns in adata.


a named list mapping reduction names in adata to reduction names in the created SingleCellExperiment object. The names of the list should be the names of the reducedDims in the resulting SingleCellExperiment object. The values of the list should also be a named list with the following keys:

  • obsm: the name of the obsm slot in adata

  • varm: the name of the varm slot in adata

  • uns: the name of the uns slot in adata


a named list mapping obsp names in adata to colPairs names in the created SingleCellExperiment object. The names of the list should be the names of the colPairs in the resulting SingleCellExperiment object. The values of the list should be the names of the obsp in adata.


a named list mapping varp names in adata to rowPairs names in the created SingleCellExperiment object. The names of the list should be the names of the rowPairs in the resulting SingleCellExperiment object. The values of the list should be the names of the varp in adata.


a named list mapping uns names in adata to metadata names in the created SingleCellExperiment object. The names of the list should be the names of the metadata in the resulting SingleCellExperiment object. The values of the list should be the names of the uns in adata.


to_SingleCellExperiment() returns a SingleCellExperiment representing the content of adata.


if (interactive()) {
  ## useful when interacting with the SingleCellExperiment !
ad <- AnnData(
  X = matrix(1:5, 3L, 5L),
  layers = list(
    A = matrix(5:1, 3L, 5L),
    B = matrix(letters[1:5], 3L, 5L)
  obs = data.frame(row.names = LETTERS[1:3], cell = 1:3),
  var = data.frame(row.names = letters[1:5], gene = 1:5)

## construct a SingleCellExperiment from an AnnData object
sce <- to_SingleCellExperiment(ad)

Write H5AD


Write an H5AD file


  compression = c("none", "gzip", "lzf"),
  mode = c("w-", "r", "r+", "a", "w", "x")



The object to write, either a "SingleCellExperiment" or a "Seurat" object


Path of the file to write to


The compression algorithm to use when writing the HDF5 file. Can be one of "none", "gzip" or "lzf". Defaults to "none".


The mode to open the HDF5 file.

  • a creates a new file or opens an existing one for read/write.

  • ⁠r+⁠ opens an existing file for read/write.

  • w creates a file, truncating any existing ones

  • ⁠w-⁠/x are synonyms creating a file and failing if it already exists.


path invisibly


adata <- AnnData(
  X = matrix(1:5, 3L, 5L),
  layers = list(
    A = matrix(5:1, 3L, 5L),
    B = matrix(letters[1:5], 3L, 5L)
  obs = data.frame(row.names = LETTERS[1:3], cell = 1:3),
  var = data.frame(row.names = letters[1:5], gene = 1:5)
h5ad_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5ad")

# Write a SingleCellExperiment as an H5AD
if (requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly = TRUE)) {
  ncells <- 100
  counts <- matrix(rpois(20000, 5), ncol = ncells)
  logcounts <- log2(counts + 1)

  pca <- matrix(runif(ncells * 5), ncells)
  tsne <- matrix(rnorm(ncells * 2), ncells)

  sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
    assays = list(counts = counts, logcounts = logcounts),
    reducedDims = list(PCA = pca, tSNE = tsne)

  adata <- from_SingleCellExperiment(sce)
  h5ad_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5ad")

# Write a Seurat as a H5AD
if (requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)) {

  counts <- matrix(1:15, 5L, 3L)
  dimnames(counts) <- list(
  cell.metadata <- data.frame(
    row.names = letters[1:3],
    cell = 1:3
  obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts, = cell.metadata)
  gene.metadata <- data.frame(
    row.names = LETTERS[1:5],
    gene = 1:5
  obj[["RNA"]] <- AddMetaData(GetAssay(obj), gene.metadata)

  adata <- from_Seurat(obj)
  h5ad_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5ad")